Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Second Birthday, Little Man!

Two years ago today, at 4:55 am, I welcomed my second child into the world. As much as I thought I wanted another little girl all those months leading up to today, the second they placed him in my arms, all of that faded away and it was instant love for this little boy. Except for the fact that little girl clothes are soooo much cuter, I have not for a second wished again that I had had another girl. I love that his big sister still gets to keep her spot as Mommy's princess and I love watching the dynamics of the relationship between my children as brother and sister. She gets frustrated that he is so young and can't do much for himself and therefore Mommy has to pay a lot of attention to him, but I know she wouldn't trade him for the world. In the blink of an eye, my baby has gone from a fresh little 8 lbs, 10 oz. bundle of yummy, snugly baby to 22 lbs. of attitude mixed with sugar. This day is bittersweet because he is growing up so fast and it feels like just yesterday he was making his arrival and I had a brand-new baby to enjoy. I love love love watching him grow, learn, and explore but it makes me sad he will never be a baby again. I know all children grow up entirely too fast. He has always been such a mild-tempered, sweet-natured, happy baby who is now grown into a quick-tempered, sweet-natured cleaning machine. I swear that boy is never as happy as he is when he has a mop or vacuum in his hand. I look at it as a good thing because he already does so much more than his older step-brother and dad combined, but perhaps it also means he sees me clean way to much. Someone's got to do it though! My heart is whole when I have my children together and I now know he is the only boy I'll ever need in my life! At 2 years old, he is 22 lbs and wears size 18-24 months and a size 6 shoe. Happy happy birthday, Mr. Max! Mommy loves you more than I can express! Here's a round up of your favorites at age 2:

Max loves:
- Sesame Street (specifically Elmo!)
- vacuums
- cleaning (he does it all! laundry, taking out trash, loads dishwasher, sweeps, mops, cleans glass, vaccums, puts away laundry)
- reading, especially board books with flaps
- hamburger, sausage, meatballs, meat!....and he'll eat the occasional veggie if it's in meat-flavored gravy lol
- Hershey's kisses
- sleeping....he could sleep every day until 9:30 am if I let him
- his big sister
- doggies

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow Day!

Today didn't started out as a Snow Day, but it will be one here in a few hours. It was snowing this morning when my baby boy and I headed out for our daily morning commute to school and work. The forecast called for the worst of it to come later this afternoon. Of course, the exact accumulation numbers are all over the place but the threat itself is enough for his school to call me and say they're closing today at 1 PM. So, I will be hauling my laptop home and "working" from home this afternoon. Realistically, I have plans to bundle us up in warm comfy clothes and blankets and enjoy each other's company! And I'm excited to attempt his first real foray out in the fluffy white stuff! I bought him a kid-sized snow shovel last fall and I am excited to see him attempt to copy Mommy and be my big helper outside as well. We just stocked up on groceries Saturday night because we hadn't grocery shopped in awhile and I am excited for the extra free time with my little man! Maybe we'll even attempt some sort of festive Snow Day craft? (Pinterest, anyone? hehe) So, here I sit, counting down the minutes until I can go and gather my baby and head home! Praying for safe travel! Stay warm!